Terms & Conditions

Make-up lessons are strictly for children who become unwell and only 1 make-up lesson per 8 week block is permitted (per child). In this instance, you are required to let Gina know by no later than 10pm the evening before your scheduled lesson. You will then be placed on a make-up list and you will receive an email with your make-up lesson day and time. Unfortunately, if you are unable to attend this re-scheduled day and time you will need to forfeit your lesson in order to allow for classes to run more efficiently.



You are encouraged to arrive at least 10 minutes before your lesson time so that all children learn to sit and wait in the pool area and not just walk through the gate straight into the pool. This is an important part of pool safety education. Starting lessons on time also allows the swim school to run smoothly.



Please ensure any non-swimming children keep noise to a minimum and all mobile devices are switch to silent. I want to minimise distraction for all children in the way of pool deck noise so they get the most out of their ½ hour swim lesson each week. It also helps me to deliver more productive classes where I teach the children with undivided attention.

If you need to use your phone for an urgent matter, it would be appreciated if you could please do so outside of the swim school gate.



Babies and Toddlers – Children 3 years & under MUST WEAR A SWIM NAPPY! – This is a new rule for swimming lessons within the above age group. It has been implemented to safe guard the health & safety of all children in the pool.



Rainy Days – Unless there is thunder and lightning, swim lessons will proceed as per usual even in rainy conditions. Gina will call you if lessons are going to be postponed.



Insurance – Due to insurance liability, this enrolment form must be completed and fees paid before 1st swim lesson.



Photographs – From time to time, Gina’s Blue Water Babies may take photographs of students during class lessons. These photographs may be used for publicity purposes, either displayed on our website, or in a print publication such as a newspaper, brochure or magazine advertisement.

If you do not wish for photos to be taken while your child is participating in a class, please notify Gina in writing and inform the teacher in the pool. When taking photos, please only take individual photos of your child and not the class unless permission is given by the other parents/guardians. Your assistance in this would be appreciated as it is a requirement for the protection of young children.